During the last five years, His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta has been the Vice-Chairperson and eventually the Chairperson of the APR Forum. Considerable achievements have been realized in the APR mechanism both locally and across the continent. These include;
- Kenya successfully conducted the second APRM Country Review making it the first Country to pioneer the second-generation peer review in Africa.
- Kenya has been in the forefront in the revitalization of the APR mechanism, which has led to the entire APRM membership to recommit to the ideals and principles of the mechanism.
- There has been an increase in the number of countries expressing willingness to accede to the APR Mechanism as well as countries ready to be peer reviewed.
- The process of integrating the APRM into the African Union system has progressed well as a strategy for achieving institutional stability and sustainability.
- APRM member states has continually settled their arrears of annual contributions and the mechanism has attracted additional strategic partners.
- In January 2017, the AU General Assembly granted the APR Mechanism an expanded mandate to spearhead monitoring and evaluation efforts on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa Agenda 2063.
- Enhanced regional and International visibility – Areas of excellence identified in Kenya’s 1st report have become benchmarks for other countries’ peer reviews.
- Enhanced perception of transparency and openness widening of democratic space and thus boosts investor confidence.
- APRM as an early warning system
- APRM as a primary catalyst for expeditious constitutional reforms
- Positive impact on Kenya’s governance practices and architecture